My Software


a Doom3/dhewm3 Launcher

A mod Launcher for Doom3 and dhewm3.

It’s main features are the following:

  • It will auto-detect any mod directories and if there is a .bat file in them by the mod author (or you) it will add a launcher using the argument on the .bat file.
  • You may edit/create/hide launchers in the app.
  • If it detects the main Doom3/dhewm3 executable in the launcher’s arguments it offers the ability to connect on a selected IP and Port on launcher’s execution.
  • It will add the relevant entries for launching the client or server executables of Doom3/dhewm3 automatically on it’s launcher items.

You may override the Doom3/dhewm3 path autodetection by saving a file named ‘override.ini’ in the d3launcher directory. It has to contain only something like this: D:/Games/dhewm3/

If there is demand, which I doubt, I will create a Linux version as well.

Click here to download the latest release.

For a better explanation check the screenshots…


This project is made available under the AGPL 3.0 or later License.

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